Childcare Plus

This is a salary sacrifice scheme which provides a tax and NI efficient way to pay towards childcare costs using childcare vouchers.

Please note, this scheme is now closed to new participants.  More information relating to the Government scheme can be found here.

From March 2020, the University of Glasgow have changed provider to Edenred.

Making Changes to CCV

Any changes to your deduction amount should be made one month in advance of when you wish the change to take place e.g. if you to make a change to your voucher amount in time for your May salary payment you must change this on your Edenred MyLifestyle account within the election window in April. You can find information on the election window open and close dates here - Childcare Election Windows 24 - 25.

If you have any further questions about Childcare Plus, please contact the Performance, Pay and Reward team or Edenred helpdesk on 0800 247 1233.

Childcare Plus: Frequently Asked Questions

The scheme is administered by Edenred who will give you access to your account via the internet or telephone, in order to manage your payments.

The scheme is now closed to new entrants from 4 October 2018. More information relating to the Government scheme can be found here.

How do I Access my account?

You can access your account at and entering your Membership number which you were given in your welcome pack.

Who do I contact if I didn’t receive my Welcome Pack?

If you have not received a welcome pack contact Performance, Pay and Reward team who will arrange for this to be sent to you.

 If you have any issues with your account, the Edenred  helpline number is 0800 247 1233.

What is Childcare Plus?

This is a salary sacrifice scheme which provides a tax and NI efficient way to pay towards childcare costs using childcare vouchers.

Childcare vouchers can be used to cover regulated (e.g. Care Inspectorate approved) childcare, including, but not limited to, nurseries, child minders, nannies, wrap around care, school trips, tuition, school holiday clubs.

There is no charge to either you or your chosen carer(s) for participating in Childcare Plus. The University, as your employer, makes a saving on employers' National Insurance contributions on the amount you decide to sacrifice. These savings allow the University to pay for administering the scheme, so there is no real cost to the University as the employer.

How Does Childcare Plus Work?

You can set up payment to your childcare provider through the Childcare Voucher website.  There is also the facility within the system to set up standing orders, so that if you have a regular payment to a childcare provider on a weekly or monthly cycle, you can automate the whole process.

You will receive your benefit amount in your Childcare Voucher account on payday that month. Your account will be credited with the full order amount. It is then up to you. You can use as little or as much of the credit as you like.

What is the Maximum I can receive?

The amount of vouchers that you can receive, and the savings made is directly linked to your level of income, your rate of income tax and rate of National Insurance Contributions.

Post 6 April 2011 joiners:  the amount of vouchers you can take is dependent on your tax rate:

Tax Rate

Maximum amount of vouchers

Basic (20%)

£243 per month/£2,915 per year

Higher (40%)

£124 per month/£1,484 per year

Additional (45%)

£110 per month/£1,325 per year

Pre 6 April 2011 joiners:  regardless of your tax rate, you can take a maximum monthly amount of £243 per month. 

Can I Change the Amount of Vouchers I Receive?

Yes, you can change this throughout the year to reflect your childcare requirements. To change your voucher amount, please log in to your Edenred account and request this.

The minimum amount that you can deduct is £1.    

If you are on maternity/paternity leave and currently in receipt of vouchers you can remain in the scheme, but you cannot increase the amount. 

What Happens If My Employment Earnings Change During the Year?

The University will assess your predicted employment income at the beginning of the tax year. This will determine the maximum level of childcare vouchers that you can receive income tax and National Insurance savings on for that tax year. If your pay changes during the year this may mean that the maximum amount of childcare vouchers that you can choose to receive will change from the start of the following tax year when the University carries out another basic earnings assessment. The University will only carry out an earnings assessment once per year.  If your maximum limit changes you will be notified by the University once the earnings assessment has been undertaken.

For example, if you change the number of hours that you work and this would place you in a different tax band for your employment income, the basic earnings assessment carried out at the start of the tax year will remain valid until the next assessment takes place.

What Happens If I Leave the Scheme or Temporarily Reduce My Vouchers?

You can temporarily leave the scheme for a period of up to 12 months.  To do this, please log on to your Edenred account and request to reduce your voucher amount to zero. 

Please note, you cannot re-join the scheme after a period of 12 months. 

What Are the Qualifying Ages for Children?

In Scotland and England, the child for whom the childcare voucher is provided must be a child of the employee or a child who lives with the employee and for whom he or she has parental responsibility.

A child qualifies up to 1st September following their 15th birthday or the 1st September following their 16th birthday if he or she is disabled.  The childcare used must be registered as specified.

Can I Pay More than One Carer Through the Edenred Scheme?

Yes. Providing that all of the forms of childcare you employ meets the qualifying criteria then you can use as many childcare providers as you wish. This gives you the flexibility you need as the child/children get older and you have different childcare requirements.

What Happens to My Childcare Vouchers If I Leave Employment at the University of Glasgow part of the way through a Month?

You will receive a proportion of the Childcare Vouchers you normally receive, pro rata to the proportion of the month that you are employed at the University of Glasgow.

How Do I Change My Childcare Provider?

If your carer has not been paid with Edenred vouchers before, they can affiliate quickly and simply online at by selecting the Accept Vouchers option in the Childcare Providers section of the site. Once your carer has affiliated, they will be issued with an Edenred account number, beginning with P, which they should pass on to you.

Transition from Sodexo to Edenred

Do I have to stop the Sodexo payment with my bank and put and new one in place for Edenred or does this happen automatically?

No, the only action you will be required to take will be to set up the payment from Edenred to your childcare provider. The amount you were paying into your Sodexo account will be transferred over to your Edenred account.

Will the transfer be done automatically? If so, when will this take place?

The transfer will be done automatically, the first deduction will be taken on March payday and will be placed into your Edenred account on payday.